Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When You Listen to the Voice Within, Good Things Happen

Quote about intuition

I have a knack for coming up with stories, and one of my dreams is to turn those stories into movies for the whole world to see. That dream is still alive and well, but for some reason I kept hearing this voice saying that I should turn these stories into books first. I knew this voice was The Holy Spirit talking to me, but as I mentioned before, I never considered myself a writer.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Introducing Mr. Goode-Bar: Sex Addict or Not?

Jay Goode-Bar has a secret weapon that makes him irresistible to women. Although what he is doing would be considered immoral and utterly wrong by most of society, the women actually enjoy it and want more.

Now, please bare with me when I say that the Mr. Goode Bar series is not for the faint-hearted. If you’re familiar with “50 Shades of Grey”, then your mind will be better prepared for these books. I take the reader down a path that very few could ever imagine happening in real life, especially if you’re a little conservative. However, somewhere in this big world perhaps things like this do indeed happen - especially when it comes to sexual conduct.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Love and Acceptance Is at the Heart of It All

Quote about Love

Why do you what you do? What motivates you?

Many people will say that they are motivated by money, but when all is said and done, all we want is to be loved and accepted. That's the bottom line. Sure, we do things for monetary benefits like to pay rent, bills, and other necessities to survive, but when those needs are taken care of, we all look for love.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

When a Story Must Be Told, Nothing Can Stop It

Quote about inspiration

adjective - aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence

When an idea for a book comes to a writer, it is The Holy Spirit embodying the writer with the energy to create a story that must be told. Maybe it’s a story to entertain us or maybe it’s a story with a message. Whatever the story is, the reader takes whatever he/she needs from it and perhaps learns a lesson or feels inspired to take some kind of action.

I’ve been nudged by The Holy Spirit to share these stories with the world and to use this blog to take readers on a journey on how my books came into fruition. I welcome you!

It has been a long road, but I am truly grateful. When a story must be told, there is nothing that can stop it from getting out. My book “Chasing Danger” had to be rewritten after the file containing the book was accidentally deleted from my computer. Now imagine something you’ve worked on for so, so long just vanishing like that! I could have just let it be when it was deleted, but once again The Holy Spirit infused me with the energy to start anew. The book has truly been a labor of love. Everything really does happen for a reason. When I had to rewrite it, more ideas came to me, which allowed me to further develop the book and make it even more compelling and realistic.

I actually wanted to tell the story through a movie, but was inspired to write a book first even though I didn’t really consider myself a writer. A great storyteller, yes, but a writer? It’s interesting how life has a different plan for you. I still envision it becoming a movie, though. All in due time, right?

I look forward to sharing with you my writing process and other tidbits about my books. Make sure to bookmark this blog, tweet it, or tell your friends about it on Facebook. If you’ve already read any of my books, thank you! I welcome your feedback or thoughts about it via the comments section below this post or visit my Facebook page and let me know what you think! While you’re there, make sure to “Like” the page so you can get updates. Also, if you follow me on Twitter, I’ll make sure to connect with you there as well.