Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When You Listen to the Voice Within, Good Things Happen

Quote about intuition

I have a knack for coming up with stories, and one of my dreams is to turn those stories into movies for the whole world to see. That dream is still alive and well, but for some reason I kept hearing this voice saying that I should turn these stories into books first. I knew this voice was The Holy Spirit talking to me, but as I mentioned before, I never considered myself a writer.

Have you ever paid attention to that voice within you? Some may refer to it as "Intuition", God, The Universe, Spirit Guide, etc. I like to refer to the voice within as The Holy Spirit who is always there helping us achieve all of our hopes and wishes. If you're really in tune with this guidance, I believe that nothing but good can come from it. You become more creative and the resources and help you need will make their way to you.

Even though I didn't consider myself a writer at first, I started writing anyway, and I kept writing and writing...and writing. I didn’t worry about how it was all going to come together, but eventually it did. God sent an editor to help me, and as they say, “The rest is history!” The result has been the Mr. Goode-Bar series and my latest novel, “Chasing Danger”. With the power of the Internet and the ability to self-publish, my books are now available online.

Where would I be if I had not listened to that voice? Probably sitting around with those stories floating around in my mind maybe wondering why nothing was happening. Little did I know that The Holy Spirit was actually inspiring me and nudging me to take action.

What about you? Have you been ignoring those whispers or nudges to take the steps toward your dreams? Sit quietly each day in prayer or meditation and tune in those messages. Sometimes it’s something you don’t think you should be doing or something you think you can’t do, but even if you get out of your comfort zone and take just one eensy, teensy step toward that dream, believe me when I say that good things do happen. That’s faith in action!

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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