Throwing two aspirin down her throat and following them up with a sip from her Big Gulp, Francine turned the ignition and backed out of the parking space of Nicole’s and Macy’s grade school. After dropping off the last bit of paperwork needed for Macy’s registration, she was anxious to get back home and lay her head back.
Switching off the radio, Francine popped in one of her favorite cassette tapes and before she realized it, the smooth sounds have started to soothe the thumping in her head.
Humming along with the O’Jays, Francine got caught by the yellow light at the corner of Highland and Owens Avenue. Oblivious to her surroundings, she cooed along with the song, until she caught sight of a lone figure huddled underneath the overhang at Pat’s Convenience Store. Familiarity forces her to stare. The build, the stand, and the walk...even the demeanor are all very familiar to her. After a few minutes of watching and waiting, another young man approached the figure, slapped hands with him and walked away. Francine sat there, her mouth hung open, and her eyes bulged.
“Is that Dupree?” she whispered. “And if that is him, what in the world is he doing? Did he just sell or buy drugs? And why is he dressed like that? It’s the middle of the day, in ninety degree weather and he’s covered from head to toe.” Francine sat there stunned.
“Oh my goodness,” she whispered. “I think he just sold some drugs.”
Watching him, a million thoughts raced through her mind. Should she approach him? If so, what would she say? Should she tell his mother or Haywood? And what if this is what Derrick is doing when he’s hanging with his cousin? Filled with a ton of mixed emotions, Francine didn’t realize that she’d missed the green light and had three angry drivers honking behind her.
By the time the light turned green again, Dupree or whoever it was had disappeared. Slowly pulling away from the intersection, Francine strained her neck in an attempt to find the person she was positive was her nephew. But she was too late. The figure was gone.
As she pulled up in front of her three-bedroom home, her nerves were raw. Dumping the grocery bag on the counter, she headed into the living room, flopped down on the couch, and picked up the phone. Sighing, Francine paused and silently prayed that her greatest fears were not true. If Dupree was selling drugs, and she was pretty sure he was, and if Derrick was hanging with his cousin, that could mean only one thing…
This is an excerpt from my book, Chasing Danger, which is available at in paperback and Kindle editions. Find out about more about the relationship between Francine and her son, plus the tangled web of drama surrounding their family...Buy the book now.
Thanks to Outskirts Press for featuring me on their blog! They have done such a great job with my book, and I'm grateful for their publishing services.